Assistant Species at Risk Biologist, Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
Connect on LinkedInDepartment of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Stanley Zlotkin is not only a paediatrician and advocate, he's also an Ecology grad.
Stanley Zlotkin (B.Sc., 1971, M.D., 1974, Ph.D., 1981) graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in Ecology and is now a professor of Paediatrics, Public Health Sciences and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto. Dr. Zlotkin is past Chair of the Canadian Paediatric Society Nutrition Committee and is a frequent consultant to governments and United Nations agencies on issues related to paediatric nutrition. Read more about Dr. Zlotkin here.
Associate Professor
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Connect on LinkedInBarrister and Solicitor
Connect on LinkedInAssociate Director for University Teaching and Lecturer, Caltech
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Connect on LinkedInProject Manager at Eli Lilly and Company
Connect on LinkedInSenior Business Intelligence and Reporting Analyst at TD Bank
Connect on LinkedInSenior Analyst at GlobalData Healthcare
Connect on LinkedInSenior Manager, Hadoop Centre of Excellence
Connect on LinkedInPaediatrician and Professor at the University of Toronto
Connect on LinkedInVeterinary Assistant / Animal Services Field Officer
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